How much can I get for scrapping a car?

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Have you decided to dispose of your vehicle because it is old, damaged, or at the end of its life? Then you may be wondering what’s the scrap value of your car. The average value for scrapped vehicles varies from $150 to $300. Note that for smaller vehicles, the prices range lower than $100.

You can find the exact sum you’ll receive for your car using a scrap car value calculator.

Additionally, consider selling valuable parts if you want to get the most out of your scrapped car. As we've mentioned above, certain parts, especially electronics, can cost a fortune.

How Are Scrap Cars Priced?

Many factors can drive car scrap values higher or lower:

  1. Year or Model — If the vehicle’s year, make, and model are in high demand, then expect to get a large payout for scrapping it.
  2. Location – Metal is not usually processed at the scrap yard. It is transported to some place which always in further proximity. The scrap yard will include financial expenses for the cost of transportation. Therefore, you’ll get less for your scrap car.
  3. Vehicle’s Age – The older the car is, the lower the value. The newer vehicles will be priced higher for their working components.
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We’re open Mon-Sat: 8:30 am - 9:00 pm, Sun: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
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