Miles per gallon calculator
Estimate your car’s real miles per gallon (MPG) in few clicks
Fill the tank, check the miles. Next time check the fuel used and mileage difference since last fill-up
Miles per US Gallon (MPG) = | 0 |
Km per Liter (KPL) = | 0 |
Liter per 100km = | 0 |
Km per US Gallon (KPG) = | 0 |
Miles per Liter (MPL) = | 0 |
Trip price = | 0 |
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We Buy Junk Cars in Any Condition
Vehicle | Minimum Paid | Maximum Paid |
Mazda Protege, 2002 | 400 | 2100 |
Kia Sedona, 2003 | 325 | 2100 |
Chevrolet Impala, 2007 | 325 | 1100 |
Chevrolet Caprice, 2005 | 275 | 900 |
Jeep Compass, 2007 | 375 | 3250 |
GMC Van, 2001 | 350 | 1900 |
Chevrolet Impala, 2009 | 475 | 2100 |
BMW - 328, 2009 | 375 | 1900 |
Mazda MazdaSpeed Miata MX-5, 1994 | 250 | 1775 |
Nissan Maxima, 2006 | 725 | 2350 |
Audi A7, 2008 | 675 | 4300 |
Porsche Cayenne, 2005 | 950 | 12750 |
Ford - E350, 1988 | 450 | 1850 |
Nissan Maxima, 2003 | 425 | 2100 |
Dodge Caravan, 2007 | 250 | 1800 |
Mitsubishi Galant, 2003 | 650 | 1900 |
Chevrolet S-10, 1998 | 575 | 2500 |
Saturn Outlook, 2007 | 650 | 3100 |
Ford Focus ST, 2013 | 550 | 2700 |
BMW - 325, 2004 | 475 | 3250 |
Chevrolet Escape, 1985 | 350 | 1100 |
GMC 300, 1983 | 325 | 975 |
Ford - F-150, 2002 | 950 | 5750 |
Volkswagen Beetle, 1970 | 300 | 1200 |
Audi TT, 2002 | 750 | 3500 |
Dodge Neon, 2005 | 475 | 1100 |
Pontiac Torrent, 1990 | 725 | 2100 |
Nissan Altima, 2005 | 425 | 3200 |
Hyundai Accent, 2016 | 375 | 1900 |
Dodge - Ram 1500, 1998 | 875 | 3650 |
Chrysler Sebring, 2005 | 475 | 2200 |
Honda Odyssey, 2003 | 650 | 1900 |
Chevrolet 3500, 1990 | 375 | 1100 |
Ford Fusion, 2006 | 425 | 2599 |
Ford Bronco, 1995 | 475 | 3700 |
Avanti Motors Avanti, 1981 | 350 | 1900 |
Hyundai Sonata, 2004 | 425 | 2150 |
Chevrolet Malibu Limited, 2012 | 325 | 1750 |
Nissan Altima, 2009 | 475 | 3200 |
Ford - F-150, 2006 | 550 | 4800 |
Chevrolet - Express 3500, 1989 | 450 | 1775 |
Lexus - SC 430, 2002 | 750 | 4100 |
Buick Park Avenue, 1991 | 575 | 2300 |
Subaru Outback, 1996 | 450 | 1900 |
Dodge Dakota, 2001 | 750 | 7900 |
Ford Focus, 2003 | 450 | 2100 |
Volkswagen Jetta, 2015 | 575 | 6500 |
Chevrolet - Van, 2001 | 250 | 750 |
Acura TL, 2002 | 475 | 1850 |
Subaru Impreza, 2015 | 425 | 2900 |
Receive a guaranteed highest-priced quote for your junk car from the best junk car buyer by filling out the form online.
Average MPG by Most Popular US Cars
Fuel economy is one of the key factors to consider when buying a vehicle, in addition to the comfort, price, safety, and modern design of your new four-wheel companion. So, when you’ve made up your mind about how much money you are ready to spend on your purchase, it’s also worth looking into mileage per gallon (MPG), since this figure will directly impact your vehicle’s running cost.
The miles per gallon calculator is a smart online tool that will enable you to estimate fuel consumption when planning your next trip or breaking down monthly costs. Likewise, knowing the gas mileage is essential to calculate the petrol volume you need to drive a specific distance. Otherwise, there is a great risk of getting stuck somewhere in the middle of the road with an empty tank.
The table below outlines the average MPG rates for the most popular cars in the US in 2022.
Car Model |
Highway MPG |
City MPG |
Honda Accord |
38 |
30 |
Ford F-Series Pickup |
25 |
25 |
Ram 1500 |
31 |
20 |
Honda Civic |
42 |
33 |
Toyota Camry |
39 |
28 |
Nissan Altima |
39 |
28 |
Toyota Corolla |
40 |
31 |
Chevrolet Silverado |
31 |
23 |
Chevrolet Malibu |
36 |
29 |
Ford Fusion |
34 |
23 |
Hyundai Sonata |
34 |
28 |
What Affects the Car’s MPG
An MPG calculator relies on distance, fuel volume, and fuel cost, and works as a real mileage estimator for specific situations. Obviously enough, the higher the MPG, the higher the fuel efficiency rate.
In the meantime, the average MPG rate varies by car make, model, year, and age, and depends on driving speed. Thus, driving on a highway at a consistent speed will reduce fuel usage, and stop-and-go city traffic will produce the opposite result. However, there are a number of other factors and aspects that impact fuel efficiency:
- Driving style: Aggressive and speedy driving, as well as intermittent braking and acceleration, will noticeably increase fuel consumption (up to 30%) and reduce your gas mileage accordingly;
- Driving distance: Short distance drives will eat up more gas since it takes energy and time for your vehicle’s engine to warm up. For a comparison, lengthy trips are more cost-effective;
- Car maintenance: Regular and diligent car maintenance is the key to avoiding and preventing many problems with your vehicle. The same is true for optimizing fuel consumption. By changing oils, filters, and brake pads and cleaning filters, injectors, and sensors in time, you’ll naturally maximize the MPG rate;
- Tires condition: Low tire pressure and worn tires work to increase road friction and make the engine consume more fuel to accelerate and maintain speed. Keep an eye on your tires’ condition to maintain fuel efficiency;
- Oil quality: By reducing the engine friction and taking care of engine parts, proper oil matters for your gas mileage as well. Synthetic oils changed on a regular basis will help level up the MPG;
- Climate and weather conditions: In cold weather, you need to heat your vehicle before heading on a trip. This will take more fuel accordingly. Hence, those who live in regions with a harsh cold climate report reduced gas mileage for their vehicles;
- Engine damage: Worn out or damaged engine parts and elements might drastically reduce the engine performance and cause a significant fuel consumption increase. Maintain your engine in a good serviceable condition to keep your gas mileage high;
- Added loads: A vehicle loaded with passengers and cargo or towing a trailer or caravan will consume more fuel than the same vehicle driven empty.
How to Calculate Miles per Gallon
Miles per gallon, or MPG, rate is the indicator of your vehicle’s gas efficiency. Though the actual gas mileage is influenced by many factors, you can calculate an average figure on your own or by using an MPG cost calculator.
Before doing any calculations, you need to have the following info at hand:
- Driven mileage;
- Consumed fuel in gallons.
You can either take an estimated distance and average gas consumption rate, or make actual measurements by recording how much fuel your vehicle consumes when driving a certain distance.
The general calculation formula is as follows:
Miles Traveled / Gallons Used = Miles per Gallon
Meanwhile, an average MPG calculator will save you the trouble of doing the math and help you plan your trips and calculate car-related expenses in a more efficient manner. Besides, you’ll be able to calculate not only in miles and gallons but also in liters and kilometers.
Consider Selling Your Totaled Car to JunkCarsUS
If you notice that your vehicle eats up too much fuel and no tweaks help, it might be the right time to switch to a new model or even consider buying an electric car. And JunkCarsUS will readily buy your old vehicle, whatever its state.
Whether you seek to sell your fire-damaged car or even a heavily damaged vehicle after a serious car crash or collision, feel free to contact us. And you can use our to calculate how much I could sell my totaled car for to get an initial price estimate.
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