How to prepare for selling a junk car?

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  1. Remove personal items

You should check your car thoroughly before letting it go and remove valuable personal belongings. Check it for jewelry or important documents. You never know what you have in your vehicle, especially if you haven't used it for years.

Scrap yards will usually not return any valuables, so make sure you take out what is important to you.

  1. Remove non-metallic parts

Some buyers only want to collect metal. So you may have to remove other parts of the vehicle like seats, batteries, and tires. Be careful when removing any non-metallic parts. If you’re unsure of how to do this, you should hire a mechanic.

  1. Prepare your paperwork

When selling your junk car, it’s better to prepare your paperwork. Once again, having a title can increase the value of your running junk car. Certain buyers may not make you an offer if you fail to provide a title or sell a vehicle with expired registration. If you’ve lost your title, simply ask for a copy from the DMV.

  1. Remove license plates

Make sure you remove your license plates before the vehicle is towed away. Why is this important? Well, your DMV needs the license plates to cancel your title. In general, you always have to remove license plates before transferring the ownership of a vehicle to someone else.

  1. Finish your gas

Most dealers won’t offer you extra cash for gasoline left in your tank. So it would be good to take your car for a ride to finish your gas. Should there be gasoline in a non-running vehicle, you may attempt to siphon it out. Make sure you’re careful when doing this so that you don't end up with a blown engine.

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We’re open Mon-Fri: 8 am - 8 pm, Sat: 8 am - 3 pm
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